I like bikes

They say it takes a village and they are not kidding. So many people are responsible for the fact PRW still exists 22 yrs later. Family, employees, friends, faithful clients and many bike industry folks who all believed a Road Shop could thrive in the Great White North.

Matty had a vision when he came up with this little project and the kind folks at Castelli and 3T believed in it. In a perfect world so many of you would of had a chance to share stories but he had the tough task of fitting 22 yrs in about 6 minutes ! What an amazing job he did. Truly portraying through amazing visuals and stories what makes Edmonton and its cycling community such an amazing place. Big thanks Stirl and Rae Media Haus for working his magic, honored to be in his lense. So to all of you I thank you, the shop would not be what it is without the support of so many of you. Check out some of the amazing shots below.




Italy: Parte Duo